This is the first year that I really "get" Santa. We were strolling the mall and my mom pointed him out, and I boldly told her that "I have to meet him." Mommy was pretty sure I would not go near him, but we waited in a short line. I walked right up to him and told him I wanted a Santa of my own...oh and a cat too. Mommy kept telling me that I did not have to take a picture with him, but I wanted to...sort of. I was not keen to sit on his lap, so they brought a little chair, and a book. I LOVE books so I pretended to read and gave a shy little smile. I ended my Santa experience with telling him to "come home with me to play." I shocked my Mommy, that is for sure. She thought the jolly old man would scare me.
(Mommy cannot figure out the scanner, but will hopefully load pics soon)
Mommy insists we also talk about how Christmas is the birth of baby Jesus. I keep telling everyone that on Christmas we have to say "Happy Birthday Jesus!" and throw him a bit party. I "cleaned" up Mary, Joseph and Jesus from my Mommy's nativity with some wipes, so they are all ready for the big day. Cleanliness is next to Godliness after all.
Peace on earth!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Mommy's Litle Helper
Sail Away, Sail Away
I think I am the only child cool enough in the world to take a swim float from my Nana's house and use it in my bath tub, every single night. It is one of my little idiosyncracis like wearing my Halloween costume every single day since Halloween. I love to really make big big waves, flood the bathroom and float away. Since I do not like to travel often (airplanes are murder on the skin), I do this!
Artist in Residence
Mommy and Daddy are always lauding my artistic talents, and with good reason. I can color like the best of them (well better than them ;) ), but recently Mommy took me to a place where you can paint your own pottery. I chose a Tinkerbell and piggy bank (because I love feeding piggy banks, which I often do with my TT Nana). I was overjoyed, and first thing I did was prime the pieces and then taste some of the primer and wipe it on Mommy. She is like a human paper towel for me. She loves it! I tend to do things like this because I know it annoys her. I then painted my masterpieces. I was very fond of a brownish gold color. I allowed Mommy to help a little. I get great joy out of pointing them out every night telling Daddy that I did them. Mommy was so pre-occupied making sure I did not paint myself and her shirt that she was unable to snap a pic of me painting, but here are my finished products.
I think next time I will work on a mural for Mommy and Daddy's bedroom.
I think next time I will work on a mural for Mommy and Daddy's bedroom.
My sticky, sticky shooooooe...
I love singing and dancing. I am at work on my first album which officially makes me a triple threat (Hollywood Icon, Singer and Model).
Every single time we go to my Aunt's house, I love to give them a little taste of my music and live show. Stay tuned for my new track "Tantrum (Kicking and Screaming for what I want). Forget Lady Gaga, this is Princess Stella!
Trick or Treat

Sorry it has taken me a while to post. Mommy writes a blog and is always hogging the computer. We began our Halloween festivities with me carving a pumpkin. I apologize that I am always practically au naturel and in the nude every time I do a craft, but my mommy is a freak about clothes getting too destroyed. I then decided to hop into the washing machine...just kidding. I did however get into the dryer, which I know is wrong, but it is the perfect cubby for me. Mommy for some reason, did not agree.

I finished October with a bang and had a wonderful Halloween where I literally sprinted from house to house. I was less interested in Trick or Treating and candy than seeing my cousins. My cousins Jeremi and James from NYC where here, and I was overjoyed. I had to stop at one house to get water (since my staff forgot to bring mine), and then I was off again. Must of been the wings.

Monday, October 19, 2009
White Mountains
We took a trip this weekend up to North Conway, NH to see the White Mountains. I feel pretty lucky to live near oceans, lakes and mountains. I had a wonderful time, and did not let cold weather stop me. The White Mountains were great and all, but the chipmunks near out hotel kept me very amused. I spent a lot of time hunting for them. We drove along the Kancamagus Highway and got to stop and see a waterfall. I helped mommy collect leaves and acorn caps. I wanted to jump in that water so bad, but for some reason they kept stopping me. I almost gave Mommy a heart attack when I decided I would try to climb across the rocks to see the waterfall myself. Good times!
Aquarium, Aquarium!
My Daddy's parents came to visit and our first stop when they came to Boston, was the New England Aquarium. It was pretty chilly out, but I insisted we spend as much time as possible looking at the seals that swim in the glass enclosed tank outside. I was beside myself with joy! They are not only cute, but they kept swimming up and "touching" my hand through the glass.
I almost leapt out of Daddy's arms to get a better look at the Penguins who were "stinky eating their nummy fish." I thought it was particularly hilarious when the Penguins got their shower. It was such a fun time, and I have been talking about those seals since we left.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Take your Pick!
We went apple picking yesterday, and I had a wonderful time. We had to eat first to build our strength. I usually scoff at hot dogs, so imagine my parents astonishment at seeing me steal mommy's and eat half of it! My Dziadzui spent his lunch swatting at a yellow jacket, one swat directed it into my mouth, I picked it out and put it on the picnic table-both of us unharmed-and watched him fly away. True story! I think I am part Bee Tamer! Then we checked out the petting zoo, where I proceeded to tell the calf, goats and sheep to not touch me. I ran through the pumpkin patch, and tried to pick up a few, but I knew those apples were waiting. I was super excited to go apple picking. I got to ride on a tractor to get to the field, and then I ran like it was my job. Mom and Dad brought a wagon for me, but there was no way I was sitting. I consumed as many apples as I could get away with-hey they say an apple a day keeps the Dr. away and with my Nanee and cousin Andrew going to the hospital within one week of each other, I need all the apples I can get. After picking we ate some cider donuts. Daddy had to wait in line for those, so I sat with my Dziadzui and danced to the Bluegrass music playing. It was a fantastic day! I literally kicked and screamed as we got into the car because I wanted to pick more apples.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Mom and Dad took me to check out the local Montessori school. Mom was worried I would be shy and not like it at all. I really surprised them when I ran ahead and joined the Toddler class, and even found time to tell a little girl that the puzzle I was playing with was "Mine" and for her to "Step away." Mommy realized she needs to stop saying "step away" to me when I go near things she does not want me near. I think checked out the 3-5 year old classroom and did all of the activities I could get my hands on. The Principal was astounded at what I knew to do. Mommy was told it was her that was not ready, and not me...I already knew that. I like being home with mom though and can wait for school...question is can school wait for me?
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sorry tots, I don't normally post for the non-baby, but y'all's gotta check this out. Look what was parked next to the Stella-mobile:
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I am attempting to relaunch my modeling career after a tabloid spread of a particularly nasty diaper. My position is still officially "no comment." Help me take the fashion world by storm by voting for yours truly at GAP!! You can vote once a day, per picture! Sign-up is quick and easy.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Paint, baths and smiley faces
Mommy and I tried another experiment with paint yesterday. We boiled red onion skins and though the websites said it would be green, it most certainly was not. My wooden beads came out a very pale pinky orange-bummer! Beets are next so stay tuned! Mama is convinced she will get me to eat some-wishful thinking.
I thought you would enjoy these positively adorable pics of me in my tubby (cropped for my privacy) and my cheeky smile that pretty much keeps me out of trouble. Mommy usually laughs so hard that time out turns to laugh time (she better reign that in, or she will only become more hypnotized by my cuteness).
Happy Fall everyone!

I thought you would enjoy these positively adorable pics of me in my tubby (cropped for my privacy) and my cheeky smile that pretty much keeps me out of trouble. Mommy usually laughs so hard that time out turns to laugh time (she better reign that in, or she will only become more hypnotized by my cuteness).
Happy Fall everyone!

Monday, September 21, 2009
Blueberry Wonder

Today Mommy thought of a fun activity using one of my current favorite fruits-blueberries. We boiled some up and then Mommy put them in a bowl and gave me a paintbrush and free reign. She also provided me with some wooden balls and stringing beads to pain with my blueberry stew. I had a ball and also managed to paint Momma's legs and my feet. I did a painting on my big sheets of paper too. As soon as the beads dry we will put flax seed oil on them and then some beeswax. I hope Momma lets me help with that too, but something tells me she might not trust me with items containing the word "oil" and "wax". Next we will try beets, onion skins and possibly bark. I love fall!

Monday, September 14, 2009
Fun with Family
Mommy's cousin got married this weekend and we had a wonderful after party at my Great-Aunt and Great-Uncle's house after the wedding. I love playing with my cousins and I ran myself ragged. I adore Ciocia T's bouncey house! I bounced so much, that I was working up quite a sweat and Mommy changed me into cooler clothing.

I loved pushing my cousin K on this little swing. In fact, I pushed most of the younger kids on this as well. I thought cousin D was a riot.

I loved seeing everyone, and when I went to bed last night, I decided to ramble off all the names of cousins I played with, and assured Mommy that they were also going to sleep.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Green Thumb

This summer, we all decided it was time to try our luck at planting some vegetables and herbs. Of course, as this was one of the wettest summers in history, we had to wait a bit for things to take off. Mommy watched while Dziadzui and Daddy tilled the earth in Dziadzui's back yard. Mommy raked and we put up fence to keep out the deer and coyote that are plentiful in my grandparents neck of the woods. We got some wonderful tomatoes, mint, basil, thyme, hot peppers, habaneros (for Daddy), one lonely green pepper and some cucumbers which are starting to sprout. I love this plant what you eat way of life. I have to say my favorite part of the day is when I pilfer blueberries off of Dziadzui's blueberry bush. The sweet goodness of summer.
I tumble 4 you
I really shocked mommy one day when she saw me standing then suddenly my legs in the air as I did a somersault. Bela Karoyli was super impressed and has asked me to make time in my busy schedule for the Olympics, but alas I am a lover and not a competitor. Mommy keeps saying that I need to be enrolled in a dance class since I love to move!
Water Water Everywhere!

I finally decided that my Dziadzu's (grandfather's) pool was warm enough to get into. I throughly enjoyed learning all the tricks of synchronized swimming. Michael Phelps was an amazing teacher, but he seemed a little out of it at times.
I find that I really am one with the water. Water is the essence of moisture.
Cutting it up

I celebrated my 2nd birthday in early August. It was quite the time! I received some wonderful presents and best of all, I got the Ariel cake that I requested. Keep in mind this was my second birthday cake because even though my mommy made us drive quite a ways for a Party Favors cake, that was not the cake we had. My parents were rushing and left the cake on the roof of our car. You can imagine my dismay, but they made up for it, with a new cake from the local grocer, and it even had Ariel on top. I enjoyed all of the accolades and cake. I really enjoyed my new Plan Toys wooden fruit and veg and condiments. My Top Chef skills were of course requested and I made a beautiful yet simple meal for the family. Gosh that Tom Colicchio is a little cutie!
Life is Beach

My aunt, the Countess, let's me summer with her to get away from my stalkers and the paps. I love sunning myself on the beach-I say sunning, but my mother insists on 50+spf to protect my delicate skin (she knows one burn means wrinkles and there goes my career---our money ticket). This summer was particularly fun as my whole family got some real bonding time. With all of the jet setting I do, it is nice to really settle down with the people who know the real me. My cousins came from the New York compound and we had a marvelous time. I really let my wild side show through. I am a water baby!
Swimming is for fairies!
So my parents insisted that I wear a life jacket or some sort of life saving device around my grandparents pool. My Nanee actually gasps with fright when I am not safely attired. Do these amateurs not realize that pools are for laying by and looking cool? As if I would get my coif wet! I mean this was the beginning of summer. I did however enjoy watching the plebes swim. I however prefer an 80 degree plus pool.
I'm so excited! I'm so excited!
This is my tribute to Jessie Spano from Saved By the Bell. I have obviously been MIA for a bit now. I was on a vacation due to stress! We had to move three times in two months. I finally lost my mind and had to dance out my frustrations.
Keeping Green One Plate at a time!

So my mom is all about trying to be more green in our everyday life, and apparently that translates to child labor. I had to wash my own dishes! But seriously, I love my new plates and utensils from Dandelion. They rock! They are made from corn! Yes you read that right. And even better, I got to play in water while I washed them.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Still kickin'
Greetings babies! I haven't forgotten about you! I know it's no excuse, but I've been very busy lately! In addition to the usual bags of fan mail, photoshoots and working out (almost bikini season!), I've been sampling new flats around town. Harsh economic times have resulted in a "delayering" of staff and we've lost a few henchmen. That means that I have to do all the moving myself. It isn't easy zeroing in on a primo-pad when you have uber-baby standards... maybe the new nest in June will be the A&D for this rash.
Check me out!! I risked being engulfed in flames just for dinner!
Check me out- I can read all myself.
Check me out!! I risked being engulfed in flames just for dinner!
Check me out- I can read all myself.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I'll be back soon!!
Sorry for the leave of absence, babies! I am in the process of zeroing in on a new bachelorette pad and have been having trouble keeping up with the gossip. The entourage and I will be upgrading cribs (hopefully) later in the week for the second time in a month. Your guess is as good as mine as to whether or not Comcast can pull their noggins out of their tushes and get the Internet working on the first try. Happy Easter!
Monday, March 2, 2009
If Snoop can have his own language, then I sure as heck can. If Snoop can make little braids cool- I will make wild frizziness cool.
Here is what we have so far on the abridged Stella-ictionary. Help yourself learn how to speak like the uber-baby you know you are:
PA! - Pacifier
Koh-whee - Cookie
DEEEEee - Deer
UPAH! - Up
Go-ber - Grover
Elma - Elmo
ARRRRrrrroooouuuuu - Coyote
AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! - give it NOW
more coming soon...
Here is what we have so far on the abridged Stella-ictionary. Help yourself learn how to speak like the uber-baby you know you are:
PA! - Pacifier
Koh-whee - Cookie
DEEEEee - Deer
UPAH! - Up
Go-ber - Grover
Elma - Elmo
ARRRRrrrroooouuuuu - Coyote
AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! - give it NOW
more coming soon...
I tried acting, I tried music...
I think I am done with showbiz. I tried out for "Ms. Lawrence of Arabia" and did a bit of dueling piano (my other half was shamed by my innate talent). I finally decided that my calling is simply looking cute and being photographed by the paparazzi. They are far better than Spielberg at catching me in my finest moments- whether that be a burst of rage because I can't have cheese when I want it, or grinding feces into the carpet- just because I can, or extreme snuggles when Daddy gets home, with extra emphasis on ignoring the fact that I was a bad girl the entire day prior.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Our first graduate from Stella's School of Trantruming
Well done to the class of 2009! I think the student has outdone the teacher.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! 2009 will bring all sorts of new wonderful things: Stella's 2-year birthday (217 days and counting!), another 365 days of snuggles, and I will set the fashion trends for 2012! Not off to a good start though, as I am sampling all of this season's ailments. Sympathy cards and money envelopes gladly accepted.
Here's a free dance lesson. Believe it or not, I came up with this myself. The musical accompaniment is Daddy's ringtone when Mommy calls.
Santa didn't have enough room for all the loot at our place, so we invited him to New Hampshire where the reindeer have plenty of room to graze. In my spare time I proofread books and also test them for durability. I will later try to not only bite, but actually consume this book.
Off we go to trudge through the snow. Hardly able to keep balance... where are my tennis rackets for my feet?!
Here's a free dance lesson. Believe it or not, I came up with this myself. The musical accompaniment is Daddy's ringtone when Mommy calls.
Santa didn't have enough room for all the loot at our place, so we invited him to New Hampshire where the reindeer have plenty of room to graze. In my spare time I proofread books and also test them for durability. I will later try to not only bite, but actually consume this book.
Off we go to trudge through the snow. Hardly able to keep balance... where are my tennis rackets for my feet?!
Merry Christmas!
Hi Babies! Merry Christmas! Sorry I have been MIA... I blame Daddy for hogging the computer with his "important" business. Hmph! I have fans!
Here's yours truly riding mooseback through Michigan for an early holiday.
Daddy says no free-weights until I am three years old. In the meantime I will have to make do with whatever I can find. I combine workouts with shopping and ad-hoc modeling. I do what I can to keep this rockin' baby-bod.
Mommy says I get my propensity toward rap music from Daddy. When I heard that this one was called "Big Poppa," I knew it was my favorite before I even listened to it!
Here's yours truly riding mooseback through Michigan for an early holiday.
Daddy says no free-weights until I am three years old. In the meantime I will have to make do with whatever I can find. I combine workouts with shopping and ad-hoc modeling. I do what I can to keep this rockin' baby-bod.
Mommy says I get my propensity toward rap music from Daddy. When I heard that this one was called "Big Poppa," I knew it was my favorite before I even listened to it!
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