I came down with some major crud right before we went to MI to visit my grandparents. I seemed to be getting over it, and then we flew home and a few days later...BAM! Stuffy nose, coughing, fevers...you name it. I hardly ate anything, and I had Mommy in a tizzy! Turns out I had an ear infection, so she makes me take this disgusting pink medicine every day. I have decided to ease up on the old lady and not make her hold me down anymore. I just take it like a champ.
I am not usually allowed to watch that much television, but I literally could not do anything else. I decided the marketing people for Baby Alive were doing their job, and I requested the Baby Alive Better Now doll. I was so sick that mommy folded even though she cannot stand those type of dolls. Here I am playing with it while we waited for my fever reducer to kick in! (no comments about the pacifier please, mommy and daddy are trying real hard to break me of it, but we had a truce while I was sick).