Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bad behaviour

Mommy and Daddy are a bit concerned with some of the behaviour they say I am exhibiting. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with:

1) Drinking until I throw up
2) Barfing in my hair
3) Crapping in my sleep
4) Being up between 3-5AM
5) Crying when I don't get my way

All the magazines say that I am "out of control" and have too much of a night life. Personally, I don't see what the problem is; I love to drink (milk) and I have to have my beauty sleep. Anyone who is anyone doesn't go to sleep before 5:00AM anyway, so what is the big deal?

And for all you posers out there, peep the preview of the latest fall fashion: bear ears are way in. They are so in, they are 2009. See you on the cover of Vogue, cry-babies!


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