Sunday, September 23, 2007

Just workin' on the blog...

Greetings and salutations, fellow babies, adults and stuffed animals. Today has been pretty slow so far: some sleeping on Daddy in the Bjorn, soiling has been kept to a minimum, and maybe I will go for a stroll later. And of course, a bit of blogging, as you can see. I am told that Mommy and Daddy's anniversary is coming up... which may result in an outing or dinner or something. Well, I will put a stop to that! Failure to recognize my weekly birthdays has made me bitter. I will probably rest all day, as I will need my strength for the incredible display of tears and poop just before we are about to depart. MMMwwwaaaa HA HA!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I can't be stopped

I can't believe these babies are my competition- seriously- they are no competition. In all honesty, shades are something of a necessity now with all the flash cameras constantly going off in my direction. Soak in your fashion lesson ladies- this one is on the house.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Stella Diet (you wish you could)

Still trying to find a publisher for my diet book, "Pinch my cheeks (All four): A Guide to Luscious Cheeks," by Stella E. We talk a lot about my six-times-a-day double-clotted cream diet, fresh from Mommy. It's important that it is exactly 97 degrees, and preferably right from the tap. Only with this exclusive Salem/Hollywood diet can you acquire these beautiful pinchable cheeks. Many have failed to achieve my level of beauty in the past by: dipping scones into the mother's milk, creating whip cream, used in a variety of delicacies.... even a dose in the morning coffee... All of these methods are cheating, and best results are achieved by--- wait a sec... you better buy the book!! Keep an eye peeled for the Crayon edition for only $39.99!

-Baby Stella

Yet another lawsuit...

Luckily my lawyers have suppressed the "questionable photos" from this site.

Friday, September 7, 2007

I'm bigger than you

I grew! I am 11lb 3oz and 21.75" long now! Beat that!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bad behaviour

Mommy and Daddy are a bit concerned with some of the behaviour they say I am exhibiting. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with:

1) Drinking until I throw up
2) Barfing in my hair
3) Crapping in my sleep
4) Being up between 3-5AM
5) Crying when I don't get my way

All the magazines say that I am "out of control" and have too much of a night life. Personally, I don't see what the problem is; I love to drink (milk) and I have to have my beauty sleep. Anyone who is anyone doesn't go to sleep before 5:00AM anyway, so what is the big deal?

And for all you posers out there, peep the preview of the latest fall fashion: bear ears are way in. They are so in, they are 2009. See you on the cover of Vogue, cry-babies!


Monday, September 3, 2007

Snubbed again

As I am sure you are already aware, I turn four weeks old today. Every Sunday I search the entire apartment for presents to commemorate my birthday coming the following day. Surely mom and dad were to acknowledge the historic even of me turning two and three weeks old, but to no avail. In protest, I crapped so bad in my sleep-sack that mom had to throw it away.

I am told that today is Labor Day. I know that daddy took the day off... that must be to throw me my surprise party. I'll pretend not to know.

-Stella xoxoxoxoxoxo