Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Sorry guys! Daddy has been hogging the computer non-stop! Finally, I can get a few words in. A lot has gone on lately! Where do I begin... The mean ol' doctor poked my delicious skin with needles again. That was no fun. Oh, I know! Daddy and Mommy got a tree to put in the house! I am really confused though. I thought trees grew outside, and I really don't get this whole bit about a fat guy with a beard. He comes down the chimney? We don't even have a chimney. However, anyone with presents for me is A-Okay in my book!

In other news, I have decided to break my milk only diet and incorporate rice into the mix. I had no idea what I was missing!! Have a look at the video!!

Also, check me out in my Jumperoo! Thanks cousin Katia for letting me use your fun toy!!


Love, Baby Stella