Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 2009 will bring all sorts of new wonderful things: Stella's 2-year birthday (217 days and counting!), another 365 days of snuggles, and I will set the fashion trends for 2012! Not off to a good start though, as I am sampling all of this season's ailments. Sympathy cards and money envelopes gladly accepted.

Here's a free dance lesson. Believe it or not, I came up with this myself. The musical accompaniment is Daddy's ringtone when Mommy calls.

Santa didn't have enough room for all the loot at our place, so we invited him to New Hampshire where the reindeer have plenty of room to graze. In my spare time I proofread books and also test them for durability. I will later try to not only bite, but actually consume this book.

Off we go to trudge through the snow. Hardly able to keep balance... where are my tennis rackets for my feet?!

Merry Christmas!

Hi Babies! Merry Christmas! Sorry I have been MIA... I blame Daddy for hogging the computer with his "important" business. Hmph! I have fans!

Here's yours truly riding mooseback through Michigan for an early holiday.

Daddy says no free-weights until I am three years old. In the meantime I will have to make do with whatever I can find. I combine workouts with shopping and ad-hoc modeling. I do what I can to keep this rockin' baby-bod.

Mommy says I get my propensity toward rap music from Daddy. When I heard that this one was called "Big Poppa," I knew it was my favorite before I even listened to it!