Sunday, September 27, 2009


I am attempting to relaunch my modeling career after a tabloid spread of a particularly nasty diaper. My position is still officially "no comment." Help me take the fashion world by storm by voting for yours truly at GAP!! You can vote once a day, per picture! Sign-up is quick and easy.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Paint, baths and smiley faces

Mommy and I tried another experiment with paint yesterday. We boiled red onion skins and though the websites said it would be green, it most certainly was not. My wooden beads came out a very pale pinky orange-bummer! Beets are next so stay tuned! Mama is convinced she will get me to eat some-wishful thinking.

I thought you would enjoy these positively adorable pics of me in my tubby (cropped for my privacy) and my cheeky smile that pretty much keeps me out of trouble. Mommy usually laughs so hard that time out turns to laugh time (she better reign that in, or she will only become more hypnotized by my cuteness).

Happy Fall everyone!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Blueberry Wonder

Today Mommy thought of a fun activity using one of my current favorite fruits-blueberries. We boiled some up and then Mommy put them in a bowl and gave me a paintbrush and free reign. She also provided me with some wooden balls and stringing beads to pain with my blueberry stew. I had a ball and also managed to paint Momma's legs and my feet. I did a painting on my big sheets of paper too. As soon as the beads dry we will put flax seed oil on them and then some beeswax. I hope Momma lets me help with that too, but something tells me she might not trust me with items containing the word "oil" and "wax". Next we will try beets, onion skins and possibly bark. I love fall!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fun with Family

Mommy's cousin got married this weekend and we had a wonderful after party at my Great-Aunt and Great-Uncle's house after the wedding. I love playing with my cousins and I ran myself ragged. I adore Ciocia T's bouncey house! I bounced so much, that I was working up quite a sweat and Mommy changed me into cooler clothing.

I loved pushing my cousin K on this little swing. In fact, I pushed most of the younger kids on this as well. I thought cousin D was a riot.

I loved seeing everyone, and when I went to bed last night, I decided to ramble off all the names of cousins I played with, and assured Mommy that they were also going to sleep.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Green Thumb

This summer, we all decided it was time to try our luck at planting some vegetables and herbs. Of course, as this was one of the wettest summers in history, we had to wait a bit for things to take off. Mommy watched while Dziadzui and Daddy tilled the earth in Dziadzui's back yard. Mommy raked and we put up fence to keep out the deer and coyote that are plentiful in my grandparents neck of the woods. We got some wonderful tomatoes, mint, basil, thyme, hot peppers, habaneros (for Daddy), one lonely green pepper and some cucumbers which are starting to sprout. I love this plant what you eat way of life. I have to say my favorite part of the day is when I pilfer blueberries off of Dziadzui's blueberry bush. The sweet goodness of summer.

I tumble 4 you

I really shocked mommy one day when she saw me standing then suddenly my legs in the air as I did a somersault. Bela Karoyli was super impressed and has asked me to make time in my busy schedule for the Olympics, but alas I am a lover and not a competitor. Mommy keeps saying that I need to be enrolled in a dance class since I love to move!

Water Water Everywhere!

I finally decided that my Dziadzu's (grandfather's) pool was warm enough to get into. I throughly enjoyed learning all the tricks of synchronized swimming. Michael Phelps was an amazing teacher, but he seemed a little out of it at times.

I find that I really am one with the water. Water is the essence of moisture.

Cutting it up

I celebrated my 2nd birthday in early August. It was quite the time! I received some wonderful presents and best of all, I got the Ariel cake that I requested. Keep in mind this was my second birthday cake because even though my mommy made us drive quite a ways for a Party Favors cake, that was not the cake we had. My parents were rushing and left the cake on the roof of our car. You can imagine my dismay, but they made up for it, with a new cake from the local grocer, and it even had Ariel on top. I enjoyed all of the accolades and cake. I really enjoyed my new Plan Toys wooden fruit and veg and condiments. My Top Chef skills were of course requested and I made a beautiful yet simple meal for the family. Gosh that Tom Colicchio is a little cutie!

Life is Beach

My aunt, the Countess, let's me summer with her to get away from my stalkers and the paps. I love sunning myself on the beach-I say sunning, but my mother insists on 50+spf to protect my delicate skin (she knows one burn means wrinkles and there goes my career---our money ticket). This summer was particularly fun as my whole family got some real bonding time. With all of the jet setting I do, it is nice to really settle down with the people who know the real me. My cousins came from the New York compound and we had a marvelous time. I really let my wild side show through. I am a water baby!

Swimming is for fairies!

So my parents insisted that I wear a life jacket or some sort of life saving device around my grandparents pool. My Nanee actually gasps with fright when I am not safely attired. Do these amateurs not realize that pools are for laying by and looking cool? As if I would get my coif wet! I mean this was the beginning of summer. I did however enjoy watching the plebes swim. I however prefer an 80 degree plus pool.

I'm so excited! I'm so excited!

This is my tribute to Jessie Spano from Saved By the Bell. I have obviously been MIA for a bit now. I was on a vacation due to stress! We had to move three times in two months. I finally lost my mind and had to dance out my frustrations.

Keeping Green One Plate at a time!

So my mom is all about trying to be more green in our everyday life, and apparently that translates to child labor. I had to wash my own dishes! But seriously, I love my new plates and utensils from Dandelion. They rock! They are made from corn! Yes you read that right. And even better, I got to play in water while I washed them.