Monday, October 19, 2009

White Mountains

We took a trip this weekend up to North Conway, NH to see the White Mountains. I feel pretty lucky to live near oceans, lakes and mountains. I had a wonderful time, and did not let cold weather stop me. The White Mountains were great and all, but the chipmunks near out hotel kept me very amused. I spent a lot of time hunting for them. We drove along the Kancamagus Highway and got to stop and see a waterfall. I helped mommy collect leaves and acorn caps. I wanted to jump in that water so bad, but for some reason they kept stopping me. I almost gave Mommy a heart attack when I decided I would try to climb across the rocks to see the waterfall myself. Good times!

Aquarium, Aquarium!

My Daddy's parents came to visit and our first stop when they came to Boston, was the New England Aquarium. It was pretty chilly out, but I insisted we spend as much time as possible looking at the seals that swim in the glass enclosed tank outside. I was beside myself with joy! They are not only cute, but they kept swimming up and "touching" my hand through the glass.
I almost leapt out of Daddy's arms to get a better look at the Penguins who were "stinky eating their nummy fish." I thought it was particularly hilarious when the Penguins got their shower. It was such a fun time, and I have been talking about those seals since we left.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Take your Pick!

We went apple picking yesterday, and I had a wonderful time. We had to eat first to build our strength. I usually scoff at hot dogs, so imagine my parents astonishment at seeing me steal mommy's and eat half of it! My Dziadzui spent his lunch swatting at a yellow jacket, one swat directed it into my mouth, I picked it out and put it on the picnic table-both of us unharmed-and watched him fly away. True story! I think I am part Bee Tamer! Then we checked out the petting zoo, where I proceeded to tell the calf, goats and sheep to not touch me. I ran through the pumpkin patch, and tried to pick up a few, but I knew those apples were waiting. I was super excited to go apple picking. I got to ride on a tractor to get to the field, and then I ran like it was my job. Mom and Dad brought a wagon for me, but there was no way I was sitting. I consumed as many apples as I could get away with-hey they say an apple a day keeps the Dr. away and with my Nanee and cousin Andrew going to the hospital within one week of each other, I need all the apples I can get. After picking we ate some cider donuts. Daddy had to wait in line for those, so I sat with my Dziadzui and danced to the Bluegrass music playing. It was a fantastic day! I literally kicked and screamed as we got into the car because I wanted to pick more apples.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Mom and Dad took me to check out the local Montessori school. Mom was worried I would be shy and not like it at all. I really surprised them when I ran ahead and joined the Toddler class, and even found time to tell a little girl that the puzzle I was playing with was "Mine" and for her to "Step away." Mommy realized she needs to stop saying "step away" to me when I go near things she does not want me near. I think checked out the 3-5 year old classroom and did all of the activities I could get my hands on. The Principal was astounded at what I knew to do. Mommy was told it was her that was not ready, and not me...I already knew that. I like being home with mom though and can wait for school...question is can school wait for me?

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Sorry tots, I don't normally post for the non-baby, but y'all's gotta check this out. Look what was parked next to the Stella-mobile: