Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Paint, baths and smiley faces

Mommy and I tried another experiment with paint yesterday. We boiled red onion skins and though the websites said it would be green, it most certainly was not. My wooden beads came out a very pale pinky orange-bummer! Beets are next so stay tuned! Mama is convinced she will get me to eat some-wishful thinking.

I thought you would enjoy these positively adorable pics of me in my tubby (cropped for my privacy) and my cheeky smile that pretty much keeps me out of trouble. Mommy usually laughs so hard that time out turns to laugh time (she better reign that in, or she will only become more hypnotized by my cuteness).

Happy Fall everyone!

1 comment:

Aleta said...

Yeah, she is pretty much going to get away with anything and everything with that grin!