Friday, October 9, 2009


Mom and Dad took me to check out the local Montessori school. Mom was worried I would be shy and not like it at all. I really surprised them when I ran ahead and joined the Toddler class, and even found time to tell a little girl that the puzzle I was playing with was "Mine" and for her to "Step away." Mommy realized she needs to stop saying "step away" to me when I go near things she does not want me near. I think checked out the 3-5 year old classroom and did all of the activities I could get my hands on. The Principal was astounded at what I knew to do. Mommy was told it was her that was not ready, and not me...I already knew that. I like being home with mom though and can wait for school...question is can school wait for me?

1 comment:

Aleta said...

awwww... hard to let her go! Just think of all the wonderful things she will get to try... expanding that little baby genuis mind!